Criterion 6: – Governance, Leadership and Management
- 6.1.1 The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the Institutional bodies are effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative set-up, appointment, service rules, procedures etc.
- Vision and Mission of the University
- Organogram
- Initiatives for NEP Implementation
- Additional Documents Link
- 6.2.1 The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the Institutional bodies are effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative set-up, appointment, service rules, procedures etc.
- Additional Documents Link
- 6.3.1 The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff and avenues for career development/progression
- Additional Documents Link
- 6.4.1 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds other than salary and fees and the optimal utilisation of resources
- Additional Documents Link
- 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)/ Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes, by constantly reviewing the teaching-learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes, at periodic intervals
- 6.5.2 Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance: